Jazz Central Studios in Minneapolis will be hosting the 2015 Minnesota Jazz Guitar Summit. This event will feature a mix of up and coming young players in the cities and established performers who have been active in the Twin Cities music scene for years. In addition to featuring local guitarists, this event will also highlight the diversity of sounds that the guitar is capable of. Whether its the acoustic sounds of Bossa Nova master Joan Griffith, the electrifying free jazz of Dean Granros, or the hard swinging of Reuben Ristrom, this event is sure to surprise and entertain audiences with the diversity of sounds capable on the guitar!
This event will feature performances by the following artists:
Joan Griffith
Dean Granros http://www.deangranros.com/
Reuben Ristrom http://reubenristrom.com/
David Singley
Zacc Harris http://www.zaccharris.com/
Chris Olson
Geoff LeCrone
Jon Wood http://www.jonwoodguitarist.com/
David Feily
Ben Abrahamson http://www.benabrahamson.com/
Chris Bates http://www.chrisbatesmusic.net/
Mac Santiago http://inchronicity.com/About_the_Author.html
This event is sponsored by:
Willie’s American Guitars (St. Paul, MN) http://www.williesguitars.com/
LaVonne Music (Savage, MN) http://www.lavonnemusic.com/
My Music Store (Golden Valley, MN) http://guitartoss.com/mymusic/
Cadenza Music (St. Paul, MN) http://www.cadenzamusic.com/
Hoffman Guitars (Minneapolis, MN) http://www.hoffmanguitars.com/
Event is $15 (Cash Only at Door).
You can purchase tickets using an electronic payment method and/or do so in advance of the event at:
Check out Jazz Central's Website: